Thursday, January 17, 2013

XP Payout on Missions - New System

(Originally by SmallWorlds Crew: Battle Monkey)

Hey Guys!

One of the most attractive aspects of SmallWorlds is the ability to create a rich and diverse user generated landscape of quality missions.

The converse is often also the case in that we get a lot of Missions created that don't align with our desire for rich and rewarding player created missions.

One of the motivators for this is the reward of XP for playing a long mission, regardless of it's content based purely on time playing. Personally I am never a fan of banning things or stopping people from doing what they want to do, I prefer to change the motivation for why they do things.

So in an effort to reward the effort, skill and creativity of player made missions we have designed a new XP payout system for Missions.

The Flat Rate of XP- Payout for Missions - Concept.

* All missions that do not meet a minimum length of 3 minutes pay out zero XP.
* All Missions that exceed 3 minutes pay out 25 XP
* All Missions verified by SmallWorlds as meeting the minimum length and meeting or exceeding the charter principles of GOOD missions (see below) payout 250 XP

With this system you would need to do 40x minimal effort missions to hit your cap, or 4x high quality missions to hit your cap. This means a minimum of 120 minutes at 3 minute missions if you want to do it that way, or at least 12 minutes (though it will be much longer) in GOOD missions.

The Mission Quality Principles

1. Must be Accessible (with some degree of difficulty)
2. Plot or Character Driven (Not fuelled by empty actions)
3. Engaging/Entertaining (Not repetitive or cyclical by nature)
4. Attractive to Play (Not just an XP engine)
5. Must meet content standards and guidelines (Cannot be offensive)
6. Must add value to SmallWorlds. (All of the above and that something special)

We will pre-populate the high payout missions with a decent number of existing GOOD missions (i.e. Current featured ones and ones by SmallWorlds) before any new system went live and that could well re-invigorate older missions as well as drive people towards the quality missions.

With a clear definition of what makes a good mission we would not need to review every mission ever made to see if it qualifies, but publish the criteria and just be reviewing those that apply to be included.

How you apply to have your mission rated for 250 XP and how long it takes will all be worked out over the coming days and weeks but it's about making it simple and fair.

There will be more rules and guidelines as we get closer, like if anyone abuses the system we'd likely blacklist them - (FOR EXAMPLE) if you retroactively made your mission worse or unplayable - we'd take action and you'd not get any other missions featured.

Common sense stuff really.

The point of this is to let you see how the system could work. If you want to run endless laps around a field, go ahead you can still enjoy that. If you want to make seriously GOOD missions and have people play them, then this will go a long way to making your missions more attractive.

There will be some adjustment, there will be a system in place to apply for a 250 XP payout - but you'll need to meet the charter principles so time wasters will be only wasting their time.

Anyway - there is the concept, add your feedback below.

Reminder: Keep to forum rules, keep drama out, keep it to the subject and this is not a competition to redesign XP on Missions or come up with your own solution, this is a feedback process for this specific concept.


Wayne Webb
SmallWorlds Community Services Manager
(Twitter @WayneWebbComMGr)

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