Meet SmallWorlds Console Inc's Members!

About Leo Shoto:


Role in SWCI: Founder/Owner
Smallworlds Username: Leo Shoto
Smallworlds Nick Name: Leo
Joined SmallWorlds: August 2010 / Made New Account 9th December 2011 / New avatar 14th August 2013
Other Avatars: Abi Cook the 4th
SmallWorlds Pet: Dog
SmallWorlds Pet Name: Alfie
Jobs On SmallWorlds: SmallWorlds Console Inc
Real Name: N/A
Prefer To Be Called: N/A
Born: 21st of July
Hobbies: Football, Basketball, Edits, Cooking, Other Sports
What job I want: P.E teacher or something else sporty (to do with football)
Teams: I support Brighton and Hove Albion FC
Favourite School Subject: P.E and History

About Chantelle Rose the 6th

Role in SWCI: Owner
SmallWorlds Username: Chantelle Rose the 6th
SmallWorlds Nick Name: Chant
Joined SmallWorlds: 20th August 2009 (I stuck to the same account.)
Other Avatars: Chantelle XD, Chantelle Swstaff, Chantelle Bieber the 5th
SmallWorlds Pet: Dog
SmallWorlds Pet Name: Lucky
Jobs on SmallWorlds: Pastor and SWCI worker.
Real Name: Chantelle
Prefer To Be Called: Chantelle
Born: 24/01/1998, 01/24/1998 (For americans)
Hobbies: Scootering stunts, playing smallworlds.
What job I want: Model
Teams: Stoke City FC, Manchester United FC.
Favourite School Subject: Art, Recess :]