Thursday, January 17, 2013


(Originally by SmallWorlds Crew: Contest Guy)

Hey Guys!

SmallWorlds is pleased to announce that the 2013 SWOSCARS are coming soon, so get ready to experience the best in this annual celebration of creativity, narrative, and all things great in the world of SmallWorlds Film!
Get filming and show SmallWorlds your skills, we are looking for the absolute best that our community has to offer, whether you are in to Action, Comedy, Documentaries, or something else, SmallWorlds want you to show us your masterpiece.

SmallWorlds will be looking for films in these different categories:
- TV
- Action
- Comedy
- Drama
- Documentary
- Romance

All films must entered under one of these genres. If you do not specify the genre that applies to your film, the judges will assign one for you.

A) 1 entry per person.
B) You can re-submit a video from another contest, but only if it did not previously win a Golden Dan.
C) All films must be entered under one of the 6 categories listed above.
D) Film cannot be longer than 3 minutes.
E) All entries must be in by February 17th 23:59 SWT.

As a bonus SmallWorlds will also be giving out awards for excellence in certain skill sets:
- Best Director
- Best Props ( original paintings or sculptures )
- Best Sets
- Most Creative
- Best Video

You cannot enter your film for any of these awards as all entries will be considered.

To Enter

1) Create your movie
2) Upload it to
3) Post the YouTube link in this thread along with the category you are entering and the name of your film

REMEMBER! All entries must be in by 23:59 SWT on the 17th of February. Good Luck

Creating a SmallWorlds Video

Here's what you'll need:

1. SCREEN RECORDING SOFTWARE - this is similar to taking a screenshot, only it actually records video.

Google Search for MAC:
Google Search for PC:

2. MOVIE EDITING SOFTWARE - this is how you actually edit together the scenes for your movie, add sound, etc. Try a few of them out to see which you like. If you have a Mac you can also use "iMovie" which is installed by default.

Do a Google search for "movie editing software free".

3. SOUND A great movie has a great soundtrack and/or great sound effects. Just do Google searches for "free sound effects", "free background music", "free sound library" etc - or if you know what sound effects just make your search more specific.

4. PLANNING & SCRIPT You will always get the best result from careful planning, and any time spent planning will actually save you time in the long run. Research on YouTube to watch some great SmallWorlds films that people have already made (there's a small sample on and also watch Hollywood trailers, etc to get inspiration. Have a great script and work out how you want to shoot your scenes. Make sure your actors know what they're supposed to say and do ahead of time - you might even want to use a voice programme like Skype to coordinate each other during the shoot.

Best of luck to everyone!

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