Friday, March 29, 2013

New Easter Items!

Hey Guys!

This post is by me, so don't think I copied it off Kent Kronkite or someone and said it was me, because I took the photos and wrote this post!

Some of the new Easter items have come out and some have come back from other Easters!

The items that have come back to SmallWorlds this year are the Easter eggs.
You can decorate your home with Easter eggs and pick them up!
There is a purple one and a green one.

Abi Cook the 4th interviewed a SmallWorlds member called: Littleabzy Xxx on what he thought about the Easter eggs.

Abi: "What are you thoughts on the Easter Eggs?"
Littleabzy: "Well, the egg reminds me of Jesus' tomb, because it is the same shape. Also an egg means new life. "
Abi: "What would you change in them?"
Littleabzy: "To be a scultpure "
Abi: "Have you seen them in SmallWorlds in the past years, or just this year?"
Littleabzy: "Just this year. "
 Abi: "Thanks for letting me interview you! Have a nice Easter!" 

I found someone with the Easter Bunny hat and tail. His name was Christian Mendoza the 2nd.

 The white clothes don't come with the outfit, in case your wondering. He bought it to go with the hat and tail and I think it goes rather well! Don't you? 

Abi Cook the 4th interviewed Dani Crawly on her thoughts of the Easter bunny hat and tail.

Abi: "What are your thoughts on the Easter bunny hat and tail?"
Dani: "Well I think it is quite a good idea and I love the way they are presented! "
Abi: "What would you change about them?"
Dani: "The prices is what I would change because some people don't have enough gold! "
Abi: "Thanks for letting me interview you! Have a nice Easter!

Abi Cook the 4th then interviewed Alisha Brandon the 14th on her thoughts of the bunny hat and tail.
Abi: "Does it remind you of anything like SmallWorlds may have done in the past, or something outside of SmallWorlds? If so, what is it?"
Alisha: "I reminds me of Easter, but it doesn't remind me of anything that SmallWorlds has done in the past. "
Abi: "Would you ever dream of selling the Easter bunny hat or tail? If so, why? If not,.why?" 
Alisha: "I would sell it because it is useful to get gold or tokens and I wouldn't wear them all the time and other people may want them more than me. "
Abi: "Thanks for letting me interview you! Have a nice Easter!"

Do you remember the bunny ears that came out ages ago? They are so expensive, yet I love them!

Well.... I think that is enough written for this post!

Happy Easter!


  1. Hiii! xxx its chantelle ik alisha and little abzy there my friends.

  2. Their my friends too, as well as you x]
