Wednesday, March 21, 2012

'New Beginnings' Film Making Contest

Hey Guys!


With the excitement of the Swoscars still fresh in our minds, it's now time to turn our attention to a brand new season of exciting YouTube Contests!
The next theme is a very suitable one: "New Beginnings", symbolic of a fresh start for everyone. If you're new to film making make sure you read this article.
About the Theme
SmallWorlds video contest themes are usually quite broad and open to interpretation, but to give guidance within this large scope our judges will be looking for movies that convey a sense of optimism, inventiveness, enthusiasm and a healthy dose of fun.

There are four Golden Dan awards to be won!
1. The Spring Award: For the film that is most delightful to watch; the best of the lighthearted and fun flicks.
2. The Novel Approach Award: For the best film that approaches the theme in a unique way or has a particularly creative interpretation of the "new beginnings" theme.
3. Most Promising New Director Award: For a new talent who is entering either for the first time, or who has only participated in one or two previous film contests.
4. New Direction Award: For the film where a director previously participating in our contests takes a completely new approach to film making and/or who has demonstrated a significant leap in ability.
SmallWorlds Video Contest Rules
1. All films are to be submitted to the YouTube channel by April 8, 2012 by sending a message.
 a. Subject: {The Name of Your Movie}: {Your SW Avatar Name}
b. Message not necessary
c. Attach Video: {select the movie that you are submitting}
2. Videos must be:
a. 5 minute maximum (that is the maximum, always remember that sometimes short and sweet is best. Choose the best length for your film).
b. Only one video per SmallWorlds director please. If you are part of a SmallWorlds production company every director can submit his/her own video but each film must be unique (no duplicate submissions, no "part 1" and "part 2").
3. Judging criteria:
a. Film length: within time limit of 5 minutes or less. Film length was suitable for the movie.
b. Flow: film was well paced/wasn't "dragged out".
c. Narrative/Script: Was it an original story or an adaptation? Was the story innovative or have a real twist?
d. Editing: Was the editing appropriate for the film feeling/style?
e. Sound & visual effects: Was the use of music, sound effects, visual effects appropriate for the story?
f. Sets/locations: Great use of props, costumes & spaces.
g. Technical achievement: Editing, shooting, scene set up, effects, etc.

Good luck everyone!  


  1. Interesting! :D This filmmaking contest can be a good approach for film enthusiasts to share their incredible talent with the public. I, personally, love creating short films and know how fulfilling it is to have you and your film be recognized and commended. How many people joined your contest? Can you also post here the winning film?

    Felix Stendahl

    1. Hey Felix!

      Sorry, we are so late! We have been closed for a while, but now we have re-opened!

      This blog is about a virtual online game called SmallWorlds. The film making contest was for Smallworlds.
      Maybe you could join SmallWorlds and wait to see if there will be another Film Making Contest? There sure will be contests for other things to!
